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The non-destructive investigation to identify reinforcememt rods is the pachometer analysis. This method exploits the principle of the magnetic field absorbtion measurement, produced by the equipment itself, which is highlighted by an analogic or digital system. It is common to work on elements about which no data concerning the reinforcement disposition, the structure building and the used material characteristics is available. Thus, it is necessary to know the actual arrangement of the reinforcing bars, their number, diameter and the measure of the concrete cover thickness without damaging the structure being assessed.

The pachometer allows to assess the position, direction and the main and secondary reinforcement bar number; it provides the concrete cover measure up to about nine centimeters; it assesses the reinforcemente bar diameter; it detects the presence of metal objects such as pipes, electric cables, tie bar and it can be used to locate curbs, lintels, beams, pillars (immersed in the masonry), invisible floor ribs, etc.



  • Assessment of the longitudinal reinforcement bar diameter and position.
  • Assessment of the position, the pitch and the diameter of the stirrup bars.
  • Assessment of the cover
  • Detection of metal elements such as I-beams, tie bar, pipes, downspouts.
  • Detection of areas without metal elements where holes, coring or pull out tests can be carried out.

The use of the pachometer test is regulated by BS 1881 – 204 : 2008 rule.

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